Tune: Stormy Weather
I know why, taking hikes beneath the sky,
I can’t do now,
Staying close to home is all I do now,
Yet I’m going all the time!
I go on, and go on and on and on,
Can’t stop peeing!
HCTZ* overtook my being,
I’m peeing all the time!
That’s a pill the doctors give for hypertension,
(That’s the same as high blood pressure, I should mention)
All I know is every hour I feel that same old tension,
That must be relieved again!
I’m so sad, my condition makes me mad,
And I worry!
But can’t stop now, because I’ve gotta scurry.
Back to that throne again!
Joan Levin March 9, 2022
Lyrics (c) 2022 JoanDLevin
*HCTZ = Hydrochlorothiazide, a diuretic prescribed for high blood pressure.