
Hymn to Mary

Hymn to Mary.  

Written in response to a Wall Street Journal article (June 19, 1995 page B1) about a contest sponsored by the Mariological Society in Dayton, Ohio, seeking lyrics making  "references to Mary found in recent church publications that emphasize Mary as a mother and person, rather than as an immortal being."

It was to be "suitable for some part of the Eucharistic liturgy and, of course, be in hymn form, consisting of poetry arranged in regular stanzas."  According to the rules of this context, entries were not to be set to music.

I wrote this within minutes but, needless to say, never submitted it.  I never knew who won first prize but doubt this would have been a winner in any event.

This is written in 8787 or 8787D meter (the latter would be like the tune "Beecher," often used for Love Divine All Loves Excelling).

See the winning hymns here:


Mary, clever Mother, teach us,
How you made your Joe believe,
With your Magnifying speeches,
That by God you could conceive!

Mary, purest Mother, show us,
Ere we sink in Adam's fall,
How we too may tread your footsteps,
Without any sex at all!

Mary, Mother full of patience,
You gave birth on bed of straw,
No Blue Cross or reservations,
Like the Kings, we stand in awe!

Mary, Mother all fulfilling,
No Lamaze coach said "breathe hard!"
No doc's hands, or help (or billing),
Only cattle standing guard.

Mary, Mother of heart's yearning,
What Epiphany was this?
Did you look away, eyes burning,
As you sat at your Son's bris?

Mary, Model for all ages,
Painters trap you with their brush,
Clothed and nude in art book pages,
It's enough to make one blush.

Mary, you appear in grotto,
Hill and vale, to faithful few.
In this game of Holy Lotto,
What's our chance of seeing you?

Mary, Mother of reflection,
Think upon this question hard:
Can we hope for resurrection,
If we sign a donor card?

Mary, Jewish Mother, tell us,
How your Son has come so far,
That we're clingin' to our crosses,
'Stead of Swingin' on a Star?

Perhaps these last two should be omitted:

Mary, Mother of Adventure,
Your Assumption let you fly,
Like a Holy Bungee Jumper,
Down to Earth, then up to Sky!

Mary, nourishing Mother, feed us,
To your table we would run,
With the Holy Ghost to lead us,
As we gobble down your Son.

(C) 1995 Joan D. Levin